Our blog is a source of latest immigration news, policy updates and trends for thousands of readers every month.

Deep Diving Into the Three Prongs of NIWs

November 30, 2023
For foreign nationals on a green card path, the wait can be long and arduous. However, if you qualify for an EB-2 National Interest Waiver, the application process is simplified, and the road to permanent resident status is shortened. The only obstacle is that you must qualify using the three prongs of the National Interest Waiver under US immigration law. What are they, and how can you prove that you qualify? We’ll dive deep into them here.

Government Shutdown Deadline Moved to Nov. 17, Why H-1B Holders Must Act Fast

November 7, 2023
American citizens and those affiliated with them via business, like foreign workers, held a collective breath as the days counted down to October 1 and a potential fiscal year government shutdown. If the two parties couldn’t come to a spending agreement, there would be an impasse and a federal spending moratorium until they did. Thanks to the last-minute short-term spending bill by President Biden, life in the government checkbook went on as normal — at least until November 17. With this new deadline on the horizon, the federal budget remains in dispute, and those holding an H-1B visa must act fast to keep it safe. We’ll explain why and what this means for immigration here.

Rumors of a Federal Government Shutdown on Oct. 1: Will Immigration Be Affected?

September 27, 2023
America’s immigration policies are frequently tied to the political situation in the country at any given time. When those in charge of reformation and policies can’t come to an agreement, the resulting impasse may have serious consequences. That’s what we see playing out on the near horizon as the end of the fiscal year approaches. If Congress can’t agree on how to fund the federal government, a partial shutdown could happen, and the impact could be damaging to those awaiting immigration paperwork. We’ll explain what’s going on and what you should be doing to prepare for a potential government shutdown here.

Breaking Down the EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, and NIW: What Are the Differences?

September 15, 2023
Entering the world of employment visas is challenging yet rewarding, as it can lead to permanent residency in the US through the coveted green card. No matter your avenue, there are many hurdles to overcome and rigorous qualifications. Still, the EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, and NIW categories are in high demand. What’s the difference between these visas, and which is best for you? Keep reading to find out.

Thinking About a Green Card? Consider the National Interest Waiver Route

September 6, 2023
As a highly skilled professional wishing to work in the US and obtain a green card, you have various options available to you. While most people use the general route of an H-1B visa, there are limitations to this that may not be suitable for you. When you have an advanced degree or an exceptional ability in your field, an EB-2 National Interest Waiver can let you skip the strict requirements of a job offer and other hurdles involved in those visa petitions and propel you to the front line for a green card. We’ll explain how this works in this short blog.

Getting a National Interest Waiver in the STEM Field

July 19, 2023
For decades, the United States has had a reputation of striving to be the best of the best. In the 21st century, this definition often comes hand in hand with creating innovative, cutting-edge technology. But the immigration policy is restrictive and challenging, making it difficult to land the top talent while awaiting H-1B lottery policies and other obstacles. However, if you qualify for a National Interest Waiver, your job in the STEM field could help you skip the long wait and obtain a visa that propels you to the front of the line of foreign workers entering the US.

Do You Need an EB-2, or Should You Go for an NIW?

July 18, 2023
Moving to the United States, temporarily or permanently, is a goal for millions worldwide. One way to do this is to obtain a work visa that allows the beneficiary to live and reside in the country for limited periods. Two of the most popular work visas are the H-1B and the EB-2. However, both of these employment-based green card avenues have long, cumbersome processes with no guarantee of success. On the other hand, a National Interest Waiver, which is a step up from the EB-2, lets the holder skip the wait and head to the front of the green card queue. Which of these avenues is best for you? Read on to learn the differences between an EB-2 and an NIW.

Do You Need to Restart the Green Card Process When You Change Employers Under an H-1B?

July 12, 2023
Obtaining an H-1B is an important step for foreign workers who want to make the United States their permanent home. But when you’re approved for this coveted visa, there are terms that come with it, including who you can and can’t work for. This could be as simple as completing a transfer request with USCIS, but the process gets more complicated if you’ve filed for a Green Card. What do you need to do if you change employers while waiting for your Permanent Resident Card? Read on to find out.

Overview of the Three-Prong Method for National Interest Waivers

July 10, 2023
Obtaining a visa to work and live in the United States is challenging, especially if you intend to file for permanent residency once you’re settled into your new country. The process is quite lengthy and can take years (or even decades) for some people, depending on their situation. But if you qualify for a National Interest Waiver, much of this wait time and headache is eliminated. The key to successfully receiving this coveted document is to pass the US government’s three-prong method, and we’ll explain what that includes here.

How Foreign Entrepreneurs May Benefit From a National Interest Waiver

July 4, 2023
Changes to the National Interest Waiver typically occur under every new presidential administration, and Biden’s presidency is no different. The latest changes took place on January 21, 2022, with the announcement of an expanded path to meet the National Interest Exemptions. Who benefits from these changes? The focus is on entrepreneurs meeting specific criteria, and we have the details here.
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