Will the HR2 Secure the Border Act Finally Be Passed?

Immigration is historically a sensitive topic, and today’s attempts at reform are no different. The latest round of policy reformations include HR2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023. This controversial act has prompted groups like FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) and many other public policy groups to write letters demanding HR2’s attachment to the federal government’s spending agreements after the end of this fiscal year. Will this act finally be passed? Read on to find out more.

The Importance of Securing the Border

Many Americans consider securing the country’s borders to be the number one priority. The topic has been a debate amongst presidential campaigns for years. This upcoming policy vote ensures Americans know where their elected Congress members and the President stand on the issue of border security.

Proponents of HR2 say that FY2023’s omnibus caused a domino effect of financial disaster, giving the Biden Administration nearly unlimited power to provide benefits to illegal aliens while ignoring nationals within their country who need help.

Technically, the HR2 Secure the Border Act was already passed but never implemented. Thus, it should be simple to attach the agreement to any future federal government spending stipulations. 

Per those demanding this action, the act is the only solution to end the border crisis, actively closing loopholes that have been continually used for fraud, perpetuating illegal mass parole, and minimizing penalties for overstayed visas. The act will mandate nationwide E-verify and close other loopholes regarding alien children.

Another controversial subject, the border wall, is addressed in this bill, which resumes construction, prohibits non-governmental organizations from bringing illegal aliens into the country, and provides much-needed financial and essential support to Customs Border Patrol.

Will it Move Forward?

Caught in a clogged system, HR 2 was first approved by the House of Representatives back on May 11, 2023. However, the Senate remains inactive regarding this important piece in the puzzle of securing the country’s borders.

Currently, America is in the midst of a never-before-seen border crisis, which makes it challenging for those foreign nationals who are attempting to enter the country lawfully to do so. With such a sensitive situation and so much confusion, it’s unsurprising that many people stereotype even these legal immigrants. Foreign workers are an integral part of the US economy and have been for decades, but when the system is allowed to run rampant, the stability of the economy and country is at stake.

If the next fiscal year’s policies are permitted to continue, funding for the FY2023 omnibus will remain in place. Proponents of the Secure the Border Act require HR2 to be attached to any spending measures, stating that this will effectively limit the abuse of authority that was perpetuated by the Biden Administration through what amounts to a “blank check.” 

Someone has to pay for these expenses, and the piling debt endangers Americans. With a spending package condition of HR2, the final decision comes down to the border or the government remaining open, as both cannot feasibly continue as is.

What’s Next?

While the US government continues to adapt and enact new reformations, Visa2US is always here with the latest updates. Our skilled experts are ready to help you as you begin your journey to enter America legally through an H-1B or National Interest Waiver. Contact us today to find out how you can bypass the confusion and reach your goals of working in the US!

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